Resources & Links

Civil Rights, Fair Housing – Advocacy, Enforcement

Coping with the Stress of Housing Insecurity

Federal, New York State and local Fair Housing Laws

Resources related to Federal, New York State and local Fair Housing Laws

Additional New York State Fair Housing Protection Resources

Overcoming Segregation

Appraisal Resources

Education Resources on Housing Discrimination

Housing Providers’ Use of Criminal Records

Fair Housing (Civil Rights) Reading (Media) Lists

Information and Resources

Special fair housing provisions for people with disabilities:
U.S. Departments of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and Department of Justice (DOJ)

Consumer Protection, Fair Lending, and Social Justice

Need for Affordable Housing:

Housing, Advocacy, Economic Assistance, Local Nonprofit & Government Resources

NYS Attorney General Guidance:

Websites that list housing availability

Domestic Violence Housing Resources

  • The Retreat Shelter is a shelter located on the east end of Long Island that assists women and children that are victims of domestic violence. Other services are offered including advocacy, counseling, a hotline, etc.
  • The Safe Center

Emergency Housing/Transitional Housing Resources. There are a number of shelters in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Individuals and families must go through the Suffolk or Nassau County Department of Social Services for emergency/transitional housing.

Persons with Disabilities Housing Resources

  • Suffolk Independent Living Organization (SILO) provides advocacy for the disabled. SILO is the lead agency for the Nursing Home Transition and Diversion Waiver Program. The NHTD program is targeted at individuals either already in nursing homes and wanting to return to their community or those being considered for nursing home placement but who would prefer to avoid institutional care and remain in their own homes. SILO also provides information, advice, and assistance related to securing and/or retaining housing or shelter, including existing accessible housing.
  • Single Point of Access (SPA) coordinates referrals for adult mental health housing in the community.

Mental Health Housing in the Community (MICA) Housing Resources

  • Directory of Suffolk County Abuse Prevention, Treatment, & Recovery Services- Scroll down to the “Click here” link. It provides names and contact information of various addiction treatment agencies in Suffolk County that offers various services, including housing.
  • Long Island Teen Challenge provides aid, support, and residential care to men, women, and families suffering with life controlling problems with drugs, alcohol, or crime.
  • We provide info on affordable apartments, low income apartments, HUD apartments, Section 8 apartments, non- profit housing assistance offices, housing authorities, public housing apartments, LIHTC properties (Low Income Tax Credit Housing – is a tax credit subsidy for private developers to provide more low income housing). We also provide a rental assistance section to the website. This is a list of resources that can provide assistance for renters to help them pay their rent. This is state-wide.

**NOTE: The information provided here is for information purposes only and Long Island Housing Services Inc. makes no representation as to the accuracy, qualifications or the application process of the outside services or programs offered.**


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