News & Events

Nassau County Housing Survey

The Nassau County Office of Community Development is in the process of preparing the Nassau County Five-Year Consolidated Plan for the period 2020-2024 and the 2020 Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. (more…)

A week of fighting housing discrimination!

Our job is to fight housing discrimination every day, but last week was so full of public events fighting segregation that we had to share it with you. We are going the share the week flashback style by starting with this past Friday and then running through the the rest of week starting with last Monday. (more…)

Call Congress on the Fair Housing funding gap for Long Island

This is personal!


CBS: “This is not just a problem in the real estate industry . . .”

More Housing Discrimination Testing Needed


The challenges facing enforcement

Newsday Calls for More Funding for Housing Discrimination Testing


Newsday Explains Why LIHS Must Conduct Housing Discrimination Testing

50 pages of coverage on Housing Discrimination on Long Island


Fair Housing for Persons with Disabilities video


1000s Submit Comments Opposing HUD’s Attack on Civil Rights Protection

Businesses, Policymakers, Advocates, Experts speak out

Supporters from fair housing, education, health, technology, finance, government & law challenge HUD proposal to gut disparate impact tool under the Fair Housing Act as comment period ends

Long Island Housing Services 50th Anniversary Retrospective


50th anniversary Gala video, photos, and journal

Nassau County Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie LassandroCounty Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie Lassandro
Nassau County Executive Laura Curran speaking with Long Island Housing Services Executive Director Ian Wilder and Board President Connie Lassandro



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